Scholarships to join us in Uppsala – and more...

We are pleased to offer several different fellowships/research grants for doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers and professors in tax law to join the vibrant Faculty of Law at Uppsala University. Participating in the faculty workshop series, conferences, and interactions with our tax staff will provide new insights into your project

We have five different possibilities for you, depending on who you are and where you want to conduct your research.

I-III are for those of you who want to come to Uppsala

IV is for you who have a great idea or purpose and want to contribute to research in tax law.

V is mainly for Swedish doctoral students who want to spend two months conducting research abroad.

The Fellowships are generously funded by Uppsala Centre for Tax Law. Uppsala Centre for Tax Law is supported by Deloitte, EY, KPMG, Mannheimer Swartling, PwC, Skeppsbron Skatt and Svalner Skatt & Transaktion.

I - The Uppsala Doctoral Student (PhD) Tax Law Fellowship

is an opportunity for doctoral candidates to join the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University for two months. Value: SEK 50 000. To apply, submit:

  • A brief (no more than two pages) academic curriculum vitae.
  • A summary (no more than two pages) of the topic or project you intend to focus in Uppsala.
  • A brief motivation (no more than two pages) of how you believe a Fellowship in Uppsala will promote your academic career. 
  • An attestation from your supervisor as to the suitability of the fellowship to support your academic development.

The Fellowship covers travel and two months housing for visiting students and includes a workspace at the Department of Law in the center of Uppsala. The fellowships are generously funded by Uppsala Centre for Tax Law. 

Apply for the fellowship by submitting a complete application to Only one scholarship of each is available in 2024/2025. Please state your preference of time (dates) visiting Uppsala. Last day of application is the 15th of September 2024.


II - The Uppsala Tax Law mini-sabbatical / focused research grant for post docs

provides a possibility for post-doctoral researchers to get away from the everyday hustle by joining the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University for two months. Value: SEK 100 000. To apply, submit:

  • A brief (no more than two pages) academic curriculum vitae.
  • A brief (no more than two pages) summary of the research or topic you intend to focus in Uppsala. 
  • A brief motivation (no more than two pages) of how you believe a mini-sabbatical in Uppsala will promote research in Tax Law. 
  • An attestation from your dean as to the suitability of the sabbatical to support your academic development.

The Fellowship covers travel, two months housing for visiting scholars, a research grant and a work space at the Department of Law in the center of Uppsala. The fellowships are generously founded by Uppsala Centre for Tax Law. 

Apply for the fellowship by submitting a complete application to Only one scholarship of each is available in 2024/2025. Please state your preference of time (dates) visiting Uppsala. Last day of application is the 15th of September 2024.

III - Visiting professors – Research Stay in Uppsala

Professors in tax law are welcome to apply for a research stay in Uppsala. Do you need a mini sabbatical and new input on your project? Please come to Uppsala and be part of our research group for a while. To apply, submit:

  • A brief (no more than two pages) academic curriculum vitae.
  • A brief (no more than two pages) summary of the research or topic you intent to focus in Uppsala. 
  • A brief motivation (no more than one page) of how you believe a mini.sabbatical in Uppsala will promote research in tax law.

Applications are granted throughout the year. Send your application to 

IV - Ad hoc scholarships

Uppsala Centre for Tax Law also grants smaller scholarships for different purposes. For example; grants for research trips or conferences (yet, senior researchers need to make presentations at conferences etc. to be able to apply), language reviews, seminars and conferences. To apply, submit:

  • A brief (no more than two pages) academic curriculum vitae.
  • A brief (no more than two pages) explanation of what the purpose is and how the scholarship would improve/promote research in tax law.

Send your application to Applications are granted throughout the year.

V - Resestipendier för doktorander i skatterätt

Att arbeta i en annan akademisk miljö än den egna vitaliserar din forskning, ger nya perspektiv på forskningsmetodik och ger dig ett starkt kontaktnät. Stiftelsen Centrum för Skatterätt erbjuder resestipendium för doktorander vid svenskt lärosäte som skriver sin avhandling i skatterätt eller närliggande ämne. Stipendiet är 50 000 kr för att under två månader bedriva doktorandstudier vid ett utländskt lärosäte. Ansökan ska innehålla:

  • Ett kort, max två sidor, akademiskt CV.
  • En kort, max två sidor, sammanfattning av det projekt, ämne eller annat fokus inom skatterätt som du vill arbeta med utomlands. 
  • En motivering på vilket sätt utlandsvistelsen avser att gynna dina studier (max en sida). 
  • Uppgift om vilket lärosäte som kommer att ta emot dig, inklusive kontaktpersoner och en officiell inbjudan. 
  • Intyg från din handledare vid det svenska lärosätet. 

Skicka ansökan till Endast ett resestipendium av denna omfattning finns tillgängligt för 2024/2025. Ansök senast den 15:e september 2024. 

Looking forward to your application!

Ser fram emot din ansökan!

Katia Cejie

Professor in Fiscal Law, Uppsala University

Chair of Uppsala Centre for Tax Law